Were all looking for ways to cut our carbon footprint and save money, we update this page reguarly to bring you new and innovative products that will help you achieve both.
EcoFlo provides a cost effective way to achieve SAP target emission rates.
Compatible with the Greenstar CDi Compact and Greenstar Si Compact natural gas boilers.
New high level horizontal telescopic flue kit for EcoFlo.
The EcoFlo has been developed to address the need amongst specifiers and house builders for a cost effective method of achieving SAP target emissions rates.
How it works
EcoFlo connects directly to the flue of a Greenstar boiler and extracts residual energy from the flue gases using a bespoke heat exchanger. This energy is then used to pre-warm the water that is fed into the combi boiler, reducing the amount of gas required to reach the desired hot water temperature.